刚刚过去的2008年对于亚洲当代艺术而言无疑是重要而喧嚣的一年,各大双三年展鳞次栉比,轮番登台。然而08年下半年,席卷全球的金融风暴便不期而至,这场风暴让那些愿意冷静下来的人们找到了“喘息之机”。在这难得的喘息中,我们似乎又重忆起了2002年光州双年展的主题“Pause”。早在2002,在亚洲,策展人和艺术家们就曾经想要喊“暂停”!然而事与愿违, 2002年之后,亚洲的三/双年展非但没有就此收起锋芒反而更是如雨后春
The just-gone 2008 is undoubtedly an important and noisy year for Asian contemporary art with its major biennials lining up and taking turns on stage. However, in the second half of 2008, the global financial turmoil unexpectedly caught the hope of those who were willing to calm down. In this rare respite, we seem to remembered the theme “Pause” of the Gwangju Biennale in 2002. As early as in 2002, in Asia, curators and artists once wanted to call “pause”! However, contrary to expectations, after 2002, the Asia’s Three Biennale not only failed to put the edge, but even more raining spring