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Portrait of a Woman in a Fur CapeEl Greco埃尔·格雷科(1541~1614) Domenikos Theotokopoulos was born in 1541in Candia, Crete, and after visiting Venice andRome between 1560 and 1570 and establishing aclose association with Titian, settled in Spain,where he remained until his death in 1614.Known as “El Greco” (“The Greek”), he enjoyedthe patronage of King Philip Ⅱ and is particularly famous for his paintings of religious subjects,scenes from scripture and portraits of churchmen.All his portraits, both religious and secular, havegreat intensity and power of suggestion, usually Portrait of a Woman in a Fur Cape El Greco El Greco (1541 - 1614) Domenikos Theotokopoulos was born in 1541in Candia, Crete, and after visiting Venice andRome between 1560 and 1570 and establishing aclose association with Titian, settled in Spain,where He remained until his death in 1614.Known as “El Greco” (“The Greek”), he enjoyedthe patronage of King Philip II and is specifically yet for his paintings of religious subjects,scenes from scripture and portraits of churchmen .All his portraits, both religious and secular, havegreat intensity and power of suggestion, usually
Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand.Babycrocodiles have special sharp teeth with which to break their way outof the shells.Crocodiles
口述/丰建农 撰文/布衣    一个留洋25年的中国女人、一个研究生物学的女博士后,竟然放弃高薪职业,从美国回到家乡武汉开了一家意大利比萨店,亲手制作正宗的意大利比萨,吸引了许多中外食客。一个女博士后为什么做起小小的厨娘?2006年6月6下午,笔者采访了丰建农女士,在袅袅的乌龙茶香里,听她娓娓讲述在国外“偷师学艺”做比萨的有趣经历……    追爱到美国    我是湖北黄冈人,自小便有两个爱好,一是
咖啡店、茶室和快餐店一样,正在逐渐成为连锁加盟行业的热点项目,但显而易见,并非每一个咖啡店加盟者的财富梦想都能够实现,赚得个盆满钵满。当然,能否成功的关键,与加盟者所选取的咖啡店品牌以及管理体系等要素息息相关,但还决不仅限于此。     夫妇的咖啡店情结      济南的相先生早年一直做服装生意,多年来积攒下一些资金,但这几年,服装生意越来越难做了,而且服装市场的摊位租赁费水涨船高,于是,相先生开
17.regretful:懊悔的,悔恨的,遗憾的,惆怅的;regrettable:使人悔恨,令人遗憾的,可愤的,不幸的,可悲的 17.regretful: regretful, regretful, regretful, embarrassed; regr
赌石赌出玉虫子 1997年,赵云琛退伍回到北京。父亲是名瓷器收藏者,开了间小店铺,打算让儿子接手,于是赵云琛子承父业。然而,店里的瓷器大多是民窑,卖不出价钱,且升值空间不大