“人类必然会疯癫到这种地步 ,即不疯癫也只是另一种形式的疯癫”———帕斯卡按照目前权威的解释 :“精神疾病司法鉴定是指鉴定人运用现代医学手段和专业知识 ,对被鉴定人及其行为进行司法精神病学调查和分析 ,客观评价被鉴定人的精神状况和行为能力的科学技术工作。精神疾病?
“Mankind will inevitably go crazy to such a point that neither madness nor madness is just another form of madness.” According to Pascal, at present authoritative explanation: "Forensic identification of mental illness refers to the use of modern medical methods and expertise by the appraiser, Appraisers and their conduct of judicial psychiatry investigation and analysis of objective appraisals of the mental status and ability of the competent scientific and technical work.