Based on clinical, radiological, and histological reasons, osteosarcomas were previously subdivided into 11 types. It is important to understand the clinical manifestations of these subtypes to estimate clinical outcomes. Some osteosarcomas with many small cells may resemble Uwen’s tumor. It is important to identify this group of osteosarcomas because it requires surgical resection rather than radiotherapy like the Yewing tumor. The authors studied nearly 1,000 cases of osteosarcoma and 300 cases of U.M. sarcoma treated by Mayo Hospital and found a group of 12 tumors, together with 12 cases of consultation, whose histological images resembled that of ouvenous sarcoma and osteosarcoma. The authors called it a small cell osteosarcoma, emphasizing the importance of correct diagnosis of this lesion and pointed out that it should not be confused with UWE. Data and Findings: Review of all tumor tissue sections, follow-up data, and 17 preoperative radiographs. The group has 12 men and 12 women, aged from 9 to 83 years, with an average age of 28 years. There were 19 cases of long bone invasion, of which 15 cases were near one end of the larger tubular bone (female 10, iliac 6, iliac 2, and iliac 1), and 3 cases of tibia and 1 of skull scapula. Clinical symptoms: pain