当“可畏”级的5艘和“不屈”号相继服役之后,法国便拥有了一支水下战略核威慑力量。但是, “可畏”级建造于20世纪70年代,到了20世纪90年代之后就将逐渐进入退役时期,为了保证法国继续拥有独立的弹道导弹核潜艇的后续力量,法国海军于1981年决定从20世纪80年代末期开始建造6艘“胜利”级弹道导弹核潜艇,以便在21世纪初期全部取代“可畏”级和“不屈”号。作为法国海军的新一代战略核潜艇的“胜利”级,从1981年的夏季开始研制。首先以“可畏”级为基础,进行了必要的改进并增加
When the “fearful” class of five ships and the “unyielding” one after another serve, France has an underwater strategic nuclear deterrent. However, the “awesome” class was built in the 1970s and will gradually enter the decommissioning phase after the 1990s. In order to ensure that France continues to have the follow-up power to an independent ballistic missile submarine, the French navy decided in 1981 to make the transition from the 20th century Beginning in the late 1980s, six “Victory” class ballistic missile submarines will be built to completely replace the “awesome” class and “unyielding” numbers in the early 2000s. The “victory” class of the French Navy's new generation of strategic nuclear submarines began in the summer of 1981. First, on the “awesome” level, necessary improvements were made and added