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百年来的甲骨学研究,经历了前50年(1899-1949年)的“草创时期”、“发展时期”和后50年的“深入发展时期”(1949-1999年)。后50年取得了超越前50年的骄人成就。但是,无论从资料的掌握,还是从研究课题的广度和深度以及研究手段的现代化等方面来看,1978年以后明显呈现出全面发展的阶段性。可以说,甲骨学研究自1978年以后在“深入研究时期”的基础上,进入了“全面深入时期”。其开始的标志,就是集大成的著录《甲骨文合集》的面世。因此,建议把甲骨学研究的后50年,划分为“深入发展时期”和“全面深入发展时期”。 The study of oracle bone during a hundred years has experienced “Grass Age”, “Development Period” and “Deep Development Period” (1949-1999) after 50 years (1899-1949). After 50 years has made remarkable achievements beyond the previous 50 years. However, no matter from the grasping of the data, from the aspects of the breadth and depth of the research topics and the modernization of the research methods, the stage of all-round development obviously shows after 1978. It can be said that the study of oracle bone has entered a period of “all-round deepening” based on the “intensive study period” since 1978. The beginning of the logo, is a masterpiece of the recorded “Oracle Collection” available. Therefore, it is suggested that the study of oracle bone after 50 years, is divided into “in-depth development period” and “comprehensive and in-depth development period.”
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