一文件材料的系統化是蘇聯檔案建設中心最主要的中心問題之一。對研究文件來講,正確地、有科學根據地整理文件材料是極其重要的。列寧曾指出:文件的系統化不是一個狹隘的技術問題(見列寧全集第七卷,俄文第三版,第六一一頁)。文件材料的系統化就是將文件科學地分類和有次序地排列。系統化的第一個步驟,就是將文件材料按芬特分開,然後再將每個芬特內的文件加以整理。爲正確地按芬特劃分文件,就必須善於分辨芬特構成者。以前曾經講過芬特是一定的機關、企業、部隊、團體或個人等在工作中所形成之文件材料的總合。 機關、團體、企業等所屬的獨立部門可構成獨立的芬特。例如,在國家政權機關下可能設有若幹獨立的部門。爲確定機關所屬部門的獨立性,應注意以下幾個問題:單獨的預算、機關的人員編制以及規定該部門的任務和確定其組織機構的立法公文等(如決議、章程等)。因此要注意,在區分文件時,不能將各種不同的機關、團體的文件材料都歸入一個芬特內。形成文件的機關、團體、部隊和個人稱爲芬特構成者。
The systematization of a documentary material is one of the most central central issues in the Soviet archives construction center. For the research papers, it is extremely important that the documents be properly and scientifically organized. Lenin pointed out: The systematization of documents is not a narrow technical issue (see Volume VII of the Complete Works of Lenin, Russian Third Edition, p. The systematization of documents and materials is the classification and orderly arrangement of documents. The first systematic step is to separate the document material from the Fender, and then organize each Finn file. In order to properly divide the documents, we must be good at distinguishing them. It has been said before that Fint is the sum of the documents and materials formed by the organs, enterprises, troops, groups or individuals at work. Authorities, groups, businesses and other independent departments belong to the independent Fente. For example, there may be several separate departments under state authority. In order to determine the independence of the departments to which the organs belong, several issues should be noted: separate budgets, establishment of the staffing department and legislative documents (such as resolutions, articles of association, etc.) governing the department’s tasks and identifying its organizational structure. Therefore, we should pay attention to the fact that when distinguishing documents, the documents and materials of various organs and organizations can not be classified as a single one. The organs, groups, forces and individuals forming the document are known as the fent.