患者女性,72岁。因头痛、呕吐伴左眼视物不清4小时,于2001年6月2日4时急诊入院。体格检查:BP24.0/13.0kPa。神志清醒,左侧瞳孔散大,对光反应消失。视力眼前指动,颈无抵抗,四肢肌力正常,肌张力偏高,病理征未引出。头颅CT示两侧基底核区3.2 cm×1.6 cm×4.0 cm、两侧小脑半球3.0cm×
Patient female, 72 years old. Due to headaches, vomiting with left eye as unclear 4 hours, at 2 o’clock on the June 2, 2001 emergency admission. Physical examination: BP24.0 / 13.0kPa. Conscious, pupil dilated on the left, the light reaction disappeared. Visual acuity refers to the front, neck non-resistance, normal muscle strength, high muscle tension, pathological levy did not lead. Head CT showed basal ganglia on both sides of 3.2 cm × 1.6 cm × 4.0 cm, bilateral cerebellar hemispheres 3.0 cm ×