加强刑侦工作 不负历史重任

来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamrain1220
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1996年海南省刑侦工作的重点是打枪毒、打有组织犯罪、打车匪路霸,抓基础、抓队伍、抓改革。刑侦工作的主要任务,是要牢牢抓住侦察破案这一打击刑事犯罪活动的首要环节,从抓基础工作入手,提高侦察破案水平,不断加大打击力度,多破案,快破案,破大案,注重办案质量,提高办案效率,加快刑侦体制改革,提高队伍素质,强化基础业务建设,严厉打击严重刑事犯罪、为确保海南社会治安的稳定,确保’96旅游休闲年的安全做出更大贡献。积极创造条件,把刑侦工作搞上去刑事侦察破案水平的高低,战斗力的强弱,直接影响到公安机关职能作用的发挥,关系到公安机关的形象和声誉,也关系到党和政府的形象和声誉。因此,必须大力加强对刑事侦察工作的领导,真正做到思想上重视,工作上支持,组织上加强,队伍上充实,条件上保障。一把手要认真研究、解决影响和制约刑侦工作 In 1996, the focus of criminal investigation in Hainan Province was to crack down on guns, organize organized crime, and fight a bandit road and dominate the foundation to grasp the ranks and grasp the reform. The main task of the criminal investigation work is to firmly grasp the primary links of reconnaissance and cracking down against criminal activities. Starting from the basic work, we should raise the level of reconnaissance and case detection, intensify efforts to crack down on crimes, crack more cases, break the case faster and break the major case , Pay attention to handling the case quality, improve handling efficiency, accelerate the reform of criminal investigation system, improve the quality of the team, strengthen the basic business construction, crack down on serious criminal activities, to ensure the stability of social order in Hainan, to ensure the safety of ’96 tourism and leisure year to make greater contribution . Actively create conditions to engage in criminal investigation work on the level of criminal investigation and detection, the strength of combat effectiveness, a direct impact on the function of public security organs to play, the public security organs related to the image and reputation, but also related to the image and reputation of the party and government . Therefore, we must vigorously step up our leadership in criminal reconnaissance work, truly attach importance to ideology, work on support, organizational strengthening, and enrich the ranks and ensure conditions. First-class leaders should conscientiously study and solve the problems that affect and restrict criminal investigation
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