【摘 要】
2015年4月,尼泊尔发生7.8级地震,位于Gorkha地区的Lapubesi村庄距离震中较近,受损严重。该村庄有3000名居民,95%的居民家园被毁,流离失所。地震发生一年后,英国哈里王子对尼泊尔进行了为期五天的访问,并徒步至喜马拉雅山地区,加入到Lapubesi抗震救灾的慈善活动中。同哈里王子一起工作的是国际灾难应急反应团队(Team Rubicon),该团队
In April 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal and the village of Lapubesi, located in the Gorkha area, was close to the epicenter with serious damage. The village has 3,000 inhabitants and 95% of its population is destroyed and displaced. A year after the earthquake, Prince Harry of the United Kingdom made a five-day visit to Nepal and took a trek to the Himalayas to join Lapubesi earthquake relief charity event. Working with Prince Harry is Team Rubicon, a team that
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