
来源 :当代外国文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhbx
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本文对法国二十世纪上半叶著名诗人、评论家、翻译家和戏剧演员安托南·阿尔托的“反文学”理论及其来源进行了分析和评述,指出阿尔托的观点与西方传统的文艺批评观截然相反,通过对导演和译者主动权等方面的论述,他彻底地否定了作者的权威,使文本意义的开放性和不确定性和“读者中心论”的概念深入人心。阿尔托形而上的理论与实践,在很大程度上为后来的结构主义、后结构主义,尤其是解构主义开辟了广阔的理论思考空间。 This paper analyzes and comments on the “anti-literature” theory and its sources of the famous poet, critic, translator and theatrical actor Antoine Alto in the first half of the twentieth century in France. It points out that Aalto’s viewpoint is different from that of Western tradition On the contrary, through the discussion of the initiative of the director and the translator, he completely denied the authority of the author, opening up the openness and uncertainty of the meaning of the text and the concept of “reader-centered theory” deeply. Alto’s metaphysical theory and practice, to a large extent, opens up a vast theoretical space for subsequent structuralism, post-structuralism, and deconstruction in particular.
摘要:随着社会的不断进步和发展,建设项目规模不断扩大,建筑施工企业的生产方式和组织结构发生了深刻的变化,提高工程施工管理对于项目的开发与建设变得至关重要。   关键词:建筑工程;施工管理  中图分类号:TU71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2011)09-0278-01    引言  筑工程的施工管理是一项复杂的工程,要做好这项工作,需要建筑施工企业认真