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本文对40个足月胎儿、新生儿及1~2岁婴儿的新鲜直肠,用器官内淋巴管注射的方法,观察了直肠各层淋巴管的配布情况及其相互间的联系。在直肠粘膜层固有膜的深部,于腺底与粘膜肌之间,存有一层毛细淋巴管网,可与粘膜下层毛细淋巴管网相通。在直肠粘膜层固有膜淋巴小结的周围,有毛细淋巴管包绕,但毛细淋巴管不进入结内。粘膜下层毛细淋巴管网位于粘膜肌的直下方,注入粘膜下淋巴管丛;该丛位于毛细淋巴管网的深侧。由淋巴管丛发出较粗大的淋巴管,穿过肌层走向局部淋巴结。在直肠环肌层、纵肌层的肌纤维束间及纵肌与环肌之间的结缔组织内,存有毛细淋巴管网。各网间相互交通。由肌层毛细淋巴管网发出的淋巴管,注入通过肌层的粘膜下层淋巴管,或直接注入局部淋巴结。直肠各部粘膜层及粘膜下层毛细淋巴管网的网眼形状及大小不同。在直肠壶腹部,网眼最大,多呈四边形,其长径多与直肠的长轴斜交;在肛柱及肛窦网眼较小,多为椭圆形,其长径与直肠长轴平行,即与肛柱方向一致。齿状线上方的粘膜层及粘膜下层的毛细淋巴管可与齿状线下方的浅、深层毛细淋巴管相通在,齿状线处并不存在界限。 In this paper, 40 full-term fetuses, newborns and infants aged 1 to 2 years of fresh rectum, with intra-organ lymphatic injection method to observe the distribution of lymphatic vessels in the rectum and the relationship between them. Deep in the rectal mucosa inherent membrane, between the glandular fundus and mucosal muscle, there is a layer of capillary lymphatic network, with submucosal capillary lymphatic network. Around the rectal mucosa lamina propria, there is lymphatic capillaries, but the lymphatic capillaries do not enter the nodes. Submucosal capillary lymphatic network located in the mucosal muscle straight down, into the submucosal lymphatic plexus; the plexus is located in the deep side of the capillary lymphatic network. Lymphatic vessels issued by the thicker lymphatic vessels, through the muscular layer to the local lymph nodes. In the rectum annulus muscle, longitudinal muscle muscle fiber bundles and longitudinal muscle and the connective tissue between the ring muscle, there are lymphatic capillary network. The network between each other traffic. The lymphatic vessels, which flow from the myenteric lymphatic network, are injected into the submucosal lymphatics through the myometrium or directly into the local lymph nodes. Department of rectal mucosa and submucosal capillary lymphatic network of the mesh shape and size. In the rectum ampulla, the largest mesh, mostly quadrilateral, its long diameter and the long axis of the rectum skewed; in the anal and anal sinus smaller, mostly oval, and its long axis parallel to the long axis of the rectum, that is, Anal column in the same direction. The mucosal layer above the dentate line and the lymphatic capillaries below the dentate line may communicate with the superficial and deep capillaries below the dentate line, with no boundaries at the dentate line.
老师您好,我想问一个困扰了我两年的问题。我在反复听到一首歌之后,脑子里就一直再循环着它的旋律,怎么忘也忘不掉,特别是在做题的时候,那种想集中精力写作业,听课,大脑却被这烦人的音乐搞得一团乱时,那种滋味真是太痛苦了!虽然有时我也有集中精力的时候,但只能持续最多20分钟。老师我该怎么办?  放松心情  人们常常出现类似的苦恼,在听到某一首歌曲之后,这首曲子便在脑海里不断循环重复,甚至有时自己都没有意识
高考前一个月,考生进入了备考关键期。怎样才能在短期内提高历史学科的复习实效性以适应高考的要求,本文就此提出一些合理性建议,希望能对大家的复习备考有所助益。  1.制订考前一个月的学习计划  首先,根据自己的学习情况,对历史学科进行分析,确定需要复习的内容并列出一个详细的清单;其次,制订一张月复习任务安排表,以周为学习单位,把学习任务分为四个学习单位;最后,把一周的学习任务具体落实到每一天的上午、下
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