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“静穆”作为一种艺术审美观念,在朱光潜的美学及文学批评体系中占有重要地位,它的形成直接源于朱光潜对欧洲近代美学的吸收与借鉴,有着丰富的内涵。它在二十世纪三十年代被朱光潜提出时,遭到了鲁迅等人的严重批评。建国后,朱光潜从美学上的唯心主义者转变为马克思主义者,对自己的文艺思想进行反思,引发了五六十年代的美学大讨论,九十年代许多学者对“静穆”说进行新的评价。本文试从新时代背景出发进行反思,认为应从纯粹艺术观的角度看待“静穆”说所体现的审美超功利性,发挥它在美学范畴中的学术价值及时代生活中的审美价值。 As an aesthetic concept of art, Jing and Mu occupy an important position in Zhu Guangqian ’s aesthetics and literary criticism system. Its formation derives directly from Zhu Guangqian’ s absorption and reference of European modern aesthetics and has rich connotations. When it was put forward by Zhu Guangqian in the 1930s, it was severely criticized by Lu Xun et al. After the founding of the People’s Republic, Zhu Guangqian transformed himself from an aesthetic idealist to a Marxist and reconsidered his literary thought, triggering a great aesthetics debate in the 1950s and 1960s. Many scholars in the 1990s carried out a new evaluation of. This paper attempts to reflect from the background of the new era and thinks that the aesthetic super utilitarian embodied in the “quiet and quiet” theory should be viewed from the perspective of purely artistic perspective and that it should exert its academic value in the category of aesthetics and the aesthetic value in contemporary life.
人生就像那书  总是由自己执笔  一句句,一段段  默默地、慢慢地著述  人生就像那书  总是随着那岁月  一天天,一年年  扩展篇幅,延伸长度  人生啊,就像那书  若有真情的投入  闪光的感悟  就算成不了名著  是不是也有一份价值  值得翻阅、品读   人字  人字的笔画  就是一撇一捺  然而不同的人  有不同的写法  有的写就了雄伟  有的写出了潇洒  有的写成了平庸  有的写得那尴尬 
北京剧角映画文化传媒有限公司在包装电影《让子弹飞》的过程中,不仅获得良好的社会效应,还获得天星资本6000万元的融资。这让剧角映画的创始人梁巍成为目光的焦点。  2007年大学毕业后,心怀导演梦的梁巍来到北京,直奔北影厂,想在那儿结识个导演,开启自己的导演梦。可在北影门口混了很长时间,根本就碰不上导演。一晃,半年时间过去了,身上的钱快花光了,没办法,他做起了群众演员,参加了一天30元劳务费的《谍影