简要介绍了中国聚氨酯工业协会赴日本参加第二届中日聚氨酯界交流会的情况。着重介绍了日本聚氨酯工业的发展状况及其在健康、安全、环保方面的做法。介绍了考察日本公司和JapanHomeShow 2 0 0 3展览会上有关聚氨酯的情况。
Brief introduction of China Polyurethane Industry Association to Japan to participate in the second China-Japan Polyurethane industry exchange meeting. The development of polyurethane industry in Japan and its practices in health, safety and environmental protection are highlighted. Introduced to examine the Japanese company and JapanHomeShow2003 exhibition on the situation of polyurethane.