To achieve the modernization of motor transport. Must realize the modernization of motor transport. At present, the road transport vehicles in industrialized countries are developing at large tonnage and high speed. The annual output of trucks carrying more than 7 tons in the first ten years has doubled from that in the United States and France, doubled in Britain and 3.1% in West Germany Times In the early 1960s, Japan’s road transport vehicles generally used 130 to 160 horsepower trucks of 6 to 8 tons and 80 to 11 tons of trucks mainly used 180 to 200 to 230 horsepower in the late 1960s. From the mid-1970s to 260-300 tons, 330 horsepower, more than 11 tons of trucks, can be expected after 1980, road transport vehicles will be further large-scale, according to the United States Department of Transportation, Energy Bureau, etc. 7 single