一、茬口安排及品种选择无公害番茄温室栽培季节以高效市场供应来确定, 播种期、定植期应根据市场的需求来调整。我市日光温室番茄栽培一般分为秋冬茬和冬春茬2个茬次。秋冬茬:7月中下旬播种,8月中下旬定植,11 月一12月采收。应选择耐热、高抗多种病害的品种, 如保冠1号、中杂9号、玛瓦(荷兰品种)等品种。
First, crop arrangement and variety selection Pollution-free tomato greenhouse cultivation season to determine the supply of efficient markets, planting, planting period should be adjusted according to market demand. Tomato cultivation in solar greenhouse in our city is generally divided into autumn and winter stubble and winter stubble 2 stubble times. Autumn and winter stubble: sowing in mid to late July, planting in late August, harvesting in November and December. Should choose a variety of heat-resistant, high resistance to a variety of diseases, such as Paul crown on the 1st, hybrid 9, Mawa (Dutch varieties) and other varieties.