红蜘蛛是路易斯安那州危害柑桔的主要周期性虫害.以前筛选的几种杀螨剂和杀虫剂对防治柑桔红蜘蛛有较好效果,但近年来其效果日渐降低.因此,本试验旨在探讨展着剂 Triton CS—7对杀螨剂防治华盛顿脐橙柑桔红蜘蛛的增效作用。材料与方法试材为华盛顿脐橙,各种杀螨剂单独使用与Triton CS—7展着剂混合使用,单背负式喷雾器
Red spider is the main periodic pest damage to the state of Louisiana citrus.Screening of several acaricides and insecticides on the prevention and treatment of citrus red spider has a better effect, but its effect decreased in recent years.Therefore, this test The purpose of this study is to investigate the synergistic effect of the spreading agent Triton CS-7 on acaricide against Washington Red Star Citrus red spider. Materials and Methods The test material was Washington navel orange, various acaricides were used alone and mixed with Triton CS-7 spreading agent, single-ended sprayer