新的《姻登记条例》于2003年10月1日起实施,各地掀起结婚高潮.但一些“新现象”也令人担心。 离婚没有缓冲期。以前夫妻离婚须由所在单位、村委会或者居委会出具介绍信.经村、居委会调解,调解无效再到婚姻登记机关办理协商离婚。现按新《条例》,只要双方事先协商好.离婚程序非常简单。婚登机关10分钟内就可当场发给《离婚证》。民政部门还强调,对于离婚绝不允许再出现先向当事人进行司法调解再受理的情况,
The new “Registration of Marriages Ordinance” came into force on October 1, 2003, setting off a wedding climax around the country, but some “new phenomena” are also cause for concern. There is no buffer period for divorce. Before the divorce of husband and wife by the unit, the village committee or neighborhood committee to issue a letter of introduction by the village, neighborhood mediation, mediation and then to the marriage registration authority for consultation divorce. Now press the new “Regulations”, as long as the two parties prior consultation. Divorce process is very simple. The marriage registration authority can issue the “divorce certificate” on the spot within 10 minutes. Civil affairs departments also stressed that the divorce will never be allowed to re-appear before the parties to accept the case of judicial mediation,