综合香港媒体报道。由于经济欠景,香港一般市民的收入有限,旧书在2002至2003学年开学前夕成为抢手贷,因为旧书同新书相比较,一般要便宜五成左右。可以减少一些经济拮据市民的不少开销。 在不少旧书销售店可以看到,旧书销售商店里门庭若市,家长学生在里面熙熙攘攘地寻觅、“淘金”,可以说开学前家长学生在香港掀起了一般旧书的抢购潮。 出现抢购旧书的原因,除了经济欠景,本学年课本改版比以往少也是原因之一。这种情况,对家长学生购买旧书的意向,起了促进作用。实际上,尽管旧教科书出现了热销
Integrated Hong Kong media coverage. Owing to the economic downturn and the limited income of the general public in Hong Kong, old books became a looner on the eve of the academic year 2002-2003, as old books are generally 50% cheaper than new books. It can reduce the cost of some people who are in financial difficulty. In many old book sales stores you can see the old book sales in shops, parents, students bustling inside looking for, “gold rush” can be said that before the start of the parents in Hong Kong set off a wave of buying old books. The reasons for buying old books appear, in addition to the economic boom, the textbook revision of this school less than ever before is one of the reasons. This situation, the purchase of old books parents parents intention, played a catalytic role. In fact, despite the hot sales of old textbooks