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一、重视文化教育问题『上学就是识字』,这虽然是过去对于小学的一贯传统的说法,拿到今天来讲,基本上也不是对的。我们小学教育的基本任务是学文化,在某种意义上说,也就是读书识字。当然,我们今天不是像国民党反动派教人『读死书』,『学不干政』的那种作法。去年教育会议决定的方针是正确的,一年来在执行这一方针上得出不少成绩,凡是重视了文化学习并获得了效果的学校,都受到群众热烈的拥护。我们学校里面要社会活动,但非主要的,主要的还是要学文化学识字,适当的作社会活动是必要的,因为活动也就是教育。比如,最近苏联文化艺术科学工作者代表团到济南来,学校停课去参加欢迎会是应当的,在这会上,学生们亲 I. Emphasizing Cultural and Educational Issues “To go to school is literacy.” Although this is a traditional tradition of primary schools in the past, it is basically not right today. The basic task of our primary education is to learn culture, in a sense, that is, reading and writing. Of course, we are not today in the same way as the reactionaries of the Kuomintang who taught people to read the books of death or learn from politics. The policy of last year's education conference was correct. Many achievements have been made in the implementation of this policy in the past year. Schools that attach importance to cultural studies and have achieved good results are warmly supported by the masses. Social activities are required in our schools, but non-main and major ones are to be learned literately. Appropriate social activities are necessary because activities are also education. For example, a delegation of Soviet scientists and technologists from the arts and culture recently came to Jinan to stop attending the welcoming ceremony at the school. It is at this meeting that students and relatives
国内外通信厂商展示最新技术的大舞台——第十一届上海国际信息通信展(ELE/EXPO COMM SHANGHAI 2002)于今年6月27日至30日在上海国际展览中心和上海世贸商城隆重举行。本届
摘 要: 《周易·贲》卦是讲饰贲之道的文句,所记之事并非深不可识,但思想却微妙玄通,其“自然”之意蕴在卦爻辞中时隐时现。饰贲之道,有本而饰、反素尚真,贲于“丘园”,不溺于“束帛”。不执于时空中的对象,不困于对象化的时空,体验生命自然真切的存在状态。探《贲》卦赜幽之理,索其隐微之事,对理解王弼的“自然”观,思考生命的和谐一体性有特殊的意义。  关键词: 贲卦 王弼 自然  《贲》卦是《周易》的第二十
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