员工的正当权益在河南移动通信洛阳分公司每个人身上已决非一句空话,而是一幕幕活生生的美好现实。牛建增,这位刚步入中年的年轻的总经理,在洛阳分公司这样一个已在海外上市的全外资企业,依然能把保证员工的各项权益作为赢得人心、留住人才、人尽其用,各尽所能、最终牢牢掌握市场先机的一篇大文章来做,从而使该公司出现班子强、队伍硬、整体素质高,人人出成果,效益成倍增的可喜局面。然而,这一切的到来,对牛先生来说,的确不易! 豫西山区的一个偏僻小镇——栾川,一个普通老农的葬礼简朴、平实,儿女们悲切之情倾注涌泄…… 因为老人的最后几年,身瘫卧床,历尽磨难。本不富裕的家境,为尽孝道,大家倾其所有,把薪水或收入的一大半都花费于老父,结果人财两空,往后的日子,将是一本难念的经。尤其是被视为家中顶梁柱的儿子阎方黎,更是心力交瘁。他深知,作为家中唯一一个在外工作并且还有点职位——洛阳分公司栾川营业部主任的他,今后将如何面对繁重的工作担子和窘迫的生活压力?人们还都主要指望于他。
The legitimate rights and interests of employees in Henan Luoyang branch of mobile communications has been no nonsense, but scenes live a beautiful reality. Niu Jianzeng, the young general manager who just stepped into middle age, and a wholly foreign-owned enterprise that has been listed overseas at the Luoyang branch can still regard all the rights and interests of employees as winning the hearts, keeping the talents and doing their best Use, do their best, and ultimately firmly grasp the market opportunities for a major article to do, so that the company appeared strong team, hard team, the overall high quality, everyone out of results, the benefits of multiplying the gratifying situation. However, all this arrival, it is not easy for Mr. Niu! Luanchuan, a remote town in the west of the mountainous area of western Henan Province, has a funeral simple and plain with children’s grievances pouring in. Because of the last years of the elderly, he was exhausted from lying in bed. This is not a wealthy family, to filial piety, we pour everything, most of the salary or income spent on the father, the results of wealth, the days to come, it will be a maladjusted scriptures. In particular, Yan Fangli, son of the pillar of the family, is even more troubled. He knows that as the only one who works outside the home and still has a little bit of position - Luoyang Branch Director of Luanchuan, he will face the heavy burden of work and distressed life pressures in the future? People also mainly count on him.