元代画竹名家李衎所著《竹谱》一书,是目前所见最早的一本与绘画有关而且有传录可考的竹谱,具有重要的研究意义,但学界至今尚未进行深入研究,所以,本文拟就该书与绘画相关的段句加以释证,并结合宋元与画竹有关的题跋诗文提供的例证,从而论述《竹谱》的现实意义所在。本文在研究方法上,借鉴了海外元代绘画研究中多层 面(包括文、史、哲)剖析的研究方式,并从单个画家的传记、绘画风格以及画论著作研究的角度,以四个章节分别考证了元李衎《竹谱》的历史地位,并探讨了该书的写作历程、对于画竹的要求、画竹用笔等问题。论文篇末还探讨了元代诗文题跋中现的关于“书画相通”理论。
Bamboo slips by Li Xun, a famous bamboo & calligraphic artist in the Yuan Dynasty, is one of the earliest paintings that are related to painting and can be recorded and recorded. It is of great research significance, but the academic circles have not yet conducted further studies Therefore, this article intends to prove the relevance of the book to the painting and the illustration provided by the Song and Yuan Dynasties in connection with the painting and calligraphy, so as to discuss the practical significance of “Bamboo”. In this paper, I used the research methods of multi-level (including literary, historical and philosophical) analysis in overseas metaphysical painting research from the perspectives of research methods. From the perspective of single artist’s biography, painting style and painting theory, The author separately studies the historical status of Yuan Dynasty’s Bamboo Chrysanthemum, and discusses the writing history of the book, the requirements of painting bamboo, and the pen painting of bamboo. At the end of the thesis, the thesis also discusses the theory of “similarities and differences between painting and calligraphy” in the inscriptions and postscripts of Yuan Dynasty poetry.