妇女享有与男子同样就业和参加各种职业活动的权利,这是男女平等的重要标志,也是历史发展的必然趋势。但是,妇女在参加生产劳动过程中,由于女性解剖生理特点,劳动条件对妇女身体健康的影响是不容忽视的问题,因此,对职业妇女应进行特殊的劳动保护,这是妇女的合法权益。 中国现有正式女职工5 586余万人.加上乡镇企业及个体劳动者,职业妇女人数接近1亿人。从调查得知,18~64岁成年女性中,92.5%是职业妇女(在职或已离、退休)。妇女在从事职业活动过程中,可接触多种有害环境因素,我们对11个城市抽样调查发现,从事接触有毒有害职业女工约占工人总
Women enjoy the same rights as men to take up employment and participate in various occupational activities. This is an important symbol of equality between men and women and an inevitable trend of historical development. However, when women participate in productive labor, due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of women, the influence of working conditions on the health of women can not be ignored. Therefore, it is the legitimate rights and interests of women to carry out special labor protection for working women. There are currently more than 5 586 million formal female employees in China, plus nearly 100 million working women, combined with township enterprises and individual laborers. According to the survey, 92.5% of the adult women aged 18-64 are working women (serving or retired). In the process of occupational activities, women have access to a variety of harmful environmental factors. According to our sample survey of 11 cities, the number of women workers engaged in toxic or hazardous occupations accounts for about 10%