站在我们面前的三个年轻人——芦志民、刘洪义、芦宪臣,恰恰和新中国同龄。在国庆三十五周年前夕,他们同时被推选为吉林省四平市红嘴农工商联合公司的经理和副经理。从他们考究文雅的衣着,精明干练的举止和雄心勃勃的谈吐中,谁能看出他们是普普通通的农民? 在宽敞明亮的经理办公室里,芦志民让我们看一幅统计图表:从一九七八年到一九八三年,他们的公司年产值由五万六千元增长到二百四十万元,上缴给国家的利润税收由四千九百元增长到十万零两
The three young people who stood before us - Lu Zhimin, Liu Hongyi and Lu Xianchen, are exactly the same age as New China. On the eve of the 35th anniversary of the National Day, they were also elected as managers and deputy managers of Hongzhongnong Industrial and Commercial Federation of Siping City, Jilin Province. From their elegant and elegant clothing, smart and capable manners and ambitious conversation, who can see that they are ordinary farmers? In the bright and spacious manager’s office, Lu Zhimin let us look at a statistical chart: from From 1978 to 1983, the annual output of their companies increased from $ 56,000 to $ 2.4 million. The profit tax paid to the state increased from $ 4900 to $ 102.2