《深夜小狗神秘事件》是英国作家马克·哈登的长篇小说处女作,于2004年圣诞前夜超越红极一时的《哈利·波特》,登上英国畅销书排行榜第1名,并荣获三十多项文学大奖。马克·哈登在书中极其成功地描绘了一个情感游离的精神世界。Chapter 3My name is Christopher John Francis Boone.I know all the countries of the world and their
Deep Secrets of the Puppy Mystery is the novel’s debut novel by British writer Mark Harden, surpassing the smash hit “Harry Potter” on Christmas Eve 2004, winning the No. 1 Bestseller List in Britain Thirty more literary awards. Mark Harden in the book is extremely successful in depicting a spirit of emotional free world. Chapter 3My name is Christopher John Francis Boone.I know all the countries of the world and their