Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of the Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration Block 5, East Africa: Implicat

来源 :地质学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shlices
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Sedimentary deposits in Block 5, offshore Tanzania basin have been imaged using two-dimensional (2D) seismic data. The seismic data and well data reveal four tectonic units representing different tectonic events in relation to structural styles, sedimenta
Metaluminous (P.I. > 1) rhyolite from Hadjer el Hamis consisted of quartz, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene (hedenbergite), amphibole (F-arfvedsonite) and oxides-
下面按年代的先后介绍一下在布尔根兰、下奥地利和维也纳的海顿的重要文物地点(由于篇幅所限未能详述)。出生地 (下奥地利,罗劳)从1959 年起为博物馆靠近匈牙利边境的一个小
The Saheb Fe-Cu skarn deposit is located in the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt, SE Saqqez, western Iran and has been formed along the contact between the Olig
The dominating hypothesis stated that angiosperms originated in the Early Cretaceous, there were no pre-Cretaceous angiosperms, and carpels (the basic units of
摘要:节能环保技术在暖通空调领域的应用正在扩大和普及,而空调的耗能又是巨大的,节能、环保、绿色等概念的影响及我国能源结构的调整,对暖通空调设计的挑战越来越严峻,因此,在暖通空调系统中要注重环保节能的考虑,提高空调系统的节能总体水平。在节省能源、保护环境的大环境下,要采取各种节能措施,降低空调系统的运行能耗和费用。  关键词:节能环保技术;暖通空调系统;应用  1.暖通空调的作用以及影响  1.1暖
摘要:资源短缺问题是制约我国经济可持续发展的重要问题,在市政给排水工程设计当中应用节能给排水技术,是在我国经济与能源可持续发展的理念倡导下开展的,所以市政给排水设计中应当在保障用水安全和经济发展的基础上应用节能给排水技术,本文就此展开论述。  关键词:节能技术;市政给排水;应用  1.市政给排水工程的主要内容  1.1给水工程  保证水质的安全性是市政给水工程建设的主要目标,同时,还要确保水量及水
Studies from selected samples from Chad (Kanadi-1, Albarka-1 and Tuma-1), Sokoto (Dange-1) and Dahomey Basins (Seme-1), were subjected to detailed lithostratigr
In the middle Cretaceous vegetation changed rapidly for the diversification of angiosperms, there are few extensive analyses of the plant fossils (including lea