休闲的时刻,当您美滋滋地坐在家庭影院的大屏幕电视机前欣赏大片,或看文艺晚会的精彩节目时,您还会想到上个世纪的那个黑白的小电视机吗? 也许早已忘却了!21世纪的数字技术发展风驰电掣,等离子电视,液晶电视和背投电视等一簇簇数字前沿新秀龙争虎斗,推陈出新的进程大加速了。那么回首甲申猴年,最令人心动的是什么?无疑是新品目不暇接的这三大超薄电视。据权威评估和预测,2004年中国国内液晶电视销量达到17万台,比2003年增长183%、等离子电视已达到14万台、背投彩电销量已达到122万台。很明显,市场在向我们传递着一个重要的信号:轻巧的大屏幕电视时代已经向我们走近。2005岁首三大超薄电视无不铆足劲儿猛攻家庭,市场竞争气势咄咄逼人,而且推进速度比我们的想象要快的多。
At leisure time, when you sit back and relax in front of a big screen TV in a home theater or watch a gala show, do you still think of the black and white TV of the last century? Perhaps it has long since been forgotten In the 21st century, the rapid development of digital technology, plasma TVs, LCD TVs and rear-projection televisions have all taken the lead in roading the ranks. Then look back on the first application of the Year of the Monkey, what is the most exciting? Undoubtedly the new products dizzying the three ultra-thin TV. According to authoritative assessment and forecast, in 2004 China’s domestic sales of LCD TVs reached 170,000 units, an increase of 183% over 2003, plasma TV has reached 140,000 units, rear projection TV sales volume has reached 1.22 million units. Clearly, the market is sending us an important signal: the era of lightweight big-screen TVs has approached us. In 2005, the first three ultra-thin TVs all stormed their families, the competition in the market was overbearing, and the speed of advancement was much faster than our imagination.