To investigate the relationship between amylin (IAPP) and other biologically active substances in the gastrointestinal tract of embryonic and neonatal rats, immunohistochemical PAP method was used to detect the expression of IAPP in the rat embryos on the 15th to 21st day The IAPP immunoreactive (IR) cells and somatostatin (SS) IR cells in the gastrointestinal tract of neonatal rats were used to observe the distribution of IAPP and SS in the gastrointestinal tract of embryonic and neonatal rats. The results showed that IAPP- and SS-IR cells were not found in the embryo on day 15 and in the gastrointestinal tract. On the 17th embryo, IAPP- and SS-IR cells were rare, the immunostaining was weaker, the coloration was lighter, and the immunoreactive cells scattered among incompletely differentiated intestinal epithelial cells. On embryonic day 19, IAPP- and SS-IR cells appeared in the stomach and small intestine, mostly in the duodenum. On the 21st day of embryo and neonatal period, IAPP- and SS-IR cells were found in all stages of gastrointestinal tract. The comparison of adjacent flanks showed that the IAPP-IR cells in the duodenum and jejunum from the 19 th day to the neonate stage of the embryo had the same location as some SS-IR cells, indicating that IAPP and SS were located in the duodenum and jejunum D cells There is coexistence. Stomach, ileum, colon and rectum IAPP and SS did not see the phenomenon of intracellular coexistence. This article discusses the significance of the above results