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一、三维教学目标1.理解导体和绝缘体的概念,即易导电的物质叫做导体,不易导电的物质叫做绝缘体。2.制订并完成小组计划,实施有关检测步骤。3.培养合作意识和实证精神。二、教学重点1.理解导体和绝缘体的概念。2.实验操作与过程。三、教学难点制订计划。四、教具准备电路检测器(前节课学生已自制),条形橡皮擦,20种被检测材料(以上材料每小组准备一套即可,20种被检测材料由教师准 First, the three-dimensional teaching objectives 1. To understand the concept of conductors and insulators, that is easily conductive material called conductor, not conductive material called insulation. 2. Develop and complete a group plan to implement the testing steps. 3. Cultivate the sense of cooperation and positivism. Second, the teaching focus 1 understand the concept of conductors and insulators. 2. Experimental operation and process. Third, difficult to make plans for teaching. Four, teaching aids to prepare the circuit detector (before class students have self-made), strip eraser, 20 kinds of tested materials (the above materials can be prepared for each group, 20 kinds of materials to be tested by teachers
摘 要:随着近些年来人们收入水平的上升,对保健知识的认识也越来越多,目前,保健专业人才已经成为社会稀缺的人才之一,为了满足社会的需求,我国部分高职学校开设了体育保健专业,为社会培养出大量的专业保健型人才,在这门专业中,《运动解剖生理学》是其中的基础性课程,但是,一些学校并没有将这门课程的重要性重视起来,往往采用传统的教学模式进行授课,本文主要探讨高职体育保健专业运动解剖生理学教学的改革策略。  关
摘 要:根据潍坊烟区现代烟草农业建设实际,综合阐述了职业烟农队伍建设的重要意义,明确提出了职业烟农的概念及发展目标,详细归纳了职业烟农队伍建设在准入条件、工作步骤、等级管理、权利义务及完善管理机制5个主要方面的具体措施与要求,客观展示了开展职业烟农队伍建设以来取得的积极成效,并提出了下一步工作思路。  关键词:现代烟草农业;烟农;建设;探索  中图分类号:S572 文章编号:1007-5119(2