正后壁心肌梗塞由于其位于左室后基底部,是正常心肌除极活动的终末部分,不影响 QRS 波的起始阶段,故常规心电图导联无病理性 Q 波,是以上 V_1或 V_2导联出现 RS波R/S>1和相应的 ST-T动态变化作为诊断线索,尚需注意和右室肥厚,
Posterior posterior wall myocardial infarction because it is located in the basal left ventricle, is the normal part of myocardial depolarization activity does not affect the initial stage of QRS wave, so the conventional ECG-free pathological Q-wave is above V_1 or V_2 Lead appears RS wave R / S> 1 and the corresponding ST-T dynamic changes as diagnostic clues, still need to pay attention and right ventricular hypertrophy,