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赤阳子,又名救军粮,赤果、纯阳子,火把果、红子、救兵粮、水沙子,为蔷薇科植物火棘(Pyracantha Fortuneana MAaxim Li)的果实。性平,味酸涩,无毒。具有健脾消积,活血止血的功用。据《滇南本草》记载,本品用于“治胸中痞块,食积,消虫,明目,泻肝经之火,止妇人崩漏”。在我省分布极广,云南、四川、湖南等地亦产。除作药用外,本品还是民间常食用的野生水果,其味美价廉。饥年亦作辅粮。国内外尚未见其营 Chiyangzi, also known as salvage rations, red fruits, pure yangzi, fruit of the torch, red seeds, salvage food, and water sand are fruits of the Rosaceae Pyracantha Fortuneana MAaxim Li. Flat, sour, non-toxic. With the spleen to eliminate product, blood to stop bleeding function. According to “Southern Yunnan Materia Medica” records, this product is used to “treat the chest in the block, food product, disinfestation, eyesight, diarrhea through the fire of the liver, stop the woman bleeding.” Widely distributed in our province, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan and other places also produce. In addition to medicinal purposes, this product is a wild fruit that is often eaten by the public. It is delicious and inexpensive. The year of the hungry also serves as supplementary food. It has not seen its camp at home and abroad
We give a new justification of the linear membrane and flexural shell models. We prove that the sequence of scaled energy functionals associated with the scaled
直流电动势国家副基准的前身为主基准 ,于1965年底通过国家鉴定。该基准用于保存和传递我国的电压单位量值。目前该基准保存在中国测试技术研究院实验基地。直流电动势国家副基准
本文用扫描电镜对9种胡椒属生药进行了叶表面角质层研究,发现角质层对生药的鉴别很有价值,并根据其特征制定出检索表。 In this paper, the horny layer of nine kinds of p
中药复方制剂清泉(胶囊)的降低血糖和降低血脂作用显著,虽不及优降糖,但能显著地降低血清甘油三酯,同时有提高机体免疫功能的作用,无毒副作用。 The traditional Chinese me
方药组成:金毛狗脊30克,猫爪草30克,夏枯草30克,海藻15克,贝母10克,陈皮12克,当归1克,锻牡蛎30克,甘草6克,水煎服. 同时以金毛狗脊适量,去其黄毛,焙干研为细末,每次以3克装
 6月 26日,通辽市质量技术监督局根据科左后旗局提供的线索,对通辽市农牧业生产资料公司农资三商店购进和销售的江苏省南京虹晶化工厂生产的硫酸铵化肥开展深入调查,并对库存化