Wuyang election process two series of plants is designed to deal with the primary ore, because no primary ore mining, can only deal with mixed mines, the result is a low indicator of serious waste of resources. Therefore, to reform the two series. The transformation is divided into three steps: the first step is to transform the original process into two sections of a magnetic separation process, so that not only the quality of the concentrate produced meets the requirements of the company but also the recovery rate can be increased by 5.02%. The second step is to replace the two series Part of the tailings diversion to a series of weak magnetic - strong magnetic separation, so as to recover as much iron ore tailings; The third step is to transform the two series of magnetic - heavy combined process. Through the above three steps of transformation, the two series of processes will be further improved. Not only the primary ore but also the mixed ore will be processed, which will make the mining and dressing production flexible and convenient and achieve higher technical and economic indicators.