第一章 文学鉴赏的本质与意义

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前言中学语文课应是语言学、文学、文章学三者的结合。其中,文学课的任务主要是培养学生的文学鉴赏能力。对此,《全日制中学语文教学大纲》提出了明确的要求。中学生如果不懂得文学鉴赏,就不知道文章好在哪里,也就无法写好作文,阅读理解的能力、思维分析的能力、语言表达的能力都难以提高。那么作为中学语文教学的一个重要组成部分的文学鉴赏课该怎样进行教学?到目前为止,这方面的研究,涉足者还不多,广大师生感到无所适从,基于此,我们撰写了这部文稿。 Foreword The middle school language course should be a combination of linguistics, literature, and essay. Among them, the task of literature class is to cultivate students’ literary appreciation ability. In this regard, the “Chinese syllabus for full-time middle school” put forward clear requirements. If middle school students do not understand literary appreciation, they do not know where the articles are good, and they cannot write compositions. The ability to read and understand, the ability to think and analyze, and the ability to express language are difficult to improve. So how is the teaching of literary appreciation as an important part of Chinese teaching in middle schools to be taught? So far, there have not been many people involved in the research in this area. The teachers and students are at a loss. Based on this, we wrote this manuscript.
患儿 ,男 ,8岁。因“鼻寒1周 ,酱油色尿2日 ,皮下出血点1日”入院。患儿于入院的1周前出现鼻塞、流涕、呕吐、腹痛等症状 ,自服用“速效感冒胶囊、康必得”后上感症状缓解。
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