Prediction of Overpressure Contributed Mainly by Structural Compression Using Impedance Inversion in

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgz204
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The origin and distribution of formation overpressure have effect not only on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, but also on technique of drilling well. The study and prediction of overpressure are very important in basin analysis. At present, overpressure is mostly predicted by stack velocity. The process in calculating inter-velocity from stack velocity is very complex and inevitably leads to errors. Especially, this method is not available in the case that structural compression contribution to overpressure occurred. This paper introduces a new method, impedance inversion, to predict overpressure, and the principle is discussed. This method is used to predict the overpressure in Kuqa depression, Tarim basin and as a result, the absolute errors are less than 0.1, and relative errors are less than 5 % for predicted fluid pressure coefficients to the drill stem test (DST) measurements. It suggests that this method can be widely used to predict overpressure in foreland basins. The origin and distribution of formation overpressure have effect not only on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, but also on technique of drilling well. The study and prediction of overpressure are very important in basin analysis. At present, overpressure is mostly predicted by stack velocity. The process in calculating inter-velocity from stack velocity is very complex and inevitably leads to errors. Especially, this method is not available in the case that structural compression contribution to overpressure occurred. This paper introduces a new method, impedance inversion, to predict overpressure, and the principle is discussed. This method is used to predict the overpressure in Kuqa depression, Tarim basin and as a result, the absolute errors are less than 0.1, and relative errors are less than 5% for predicted fluid pressure coefficients to the drill stem test (DST) measurements. It suggests that this method can be widely used to predict overpressure in foreland basins.
摘要:培养中等职业学校新教师专业发展和成长是当前职业教育的重要任务,新教师专业发展和成长是未来职业教育改革的一种新能源。本文通过职业规划、各类大赛、企业实践三个层面分析中等职业学校新教师专业发展成长之路,对帮助新教师实现专业发展、提高自身素质具有重要指导意义。  关键词:中等职业学校;新教师;专业成长  中图分类号:G715文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2016)20-006-1一
After successfully locating one abandoned brine well by an electromagnetic method during testing in 2001 and five abandoned brine wells by a high resolution ma
自然环境与条件 柴达木盆地地处青海省的西北部,面积25.77平方千米,是我国的四大盆地之一,东北是祁连山,西北为阿尔金山,南部为昆仑山,是一个完全封闭的内陆盆地。中心地带