把几何图形放到平面直角坐标系中 ,将函数概念与几何知识巧妙结合 ,这是近几年来中考命题的又一热点 .我们把这类综合题简称为坐标几何题 .我们对 60余份 2 0 0 0年的中考试卷进行统计 ,约 40 %的试卷有坐标几何题 .坐标几何题的最大特点是数形结合 ,即用代数的方法研究几何问
Put the geometry into the rectangular coordinate system of the plane and combine the concept of the function with the knowledge of geometry. This is another hot spot for the examination proposition in recent years. We refer to this kind of comprehensive question as the coordinate geometry problem. We have more than 60 copies of 2 In the mid-test paper of the year of 2010, statistics were made. About 40% of the test papers had coordinate geometry problems. The most significant feature of coordinate geometry problems was the combination of number and shape, that is, the geometry of algebraic methods.