Lukacs began as the modernism is wrong. He not only considered modernist literary and artistic creations as both anti-realist but also replete with “all reactionary prejudices”, “a dance of death of bourgeois art,” and even the soil of fascism. However, the materialized literary and artistic creation is a kind of social existence with the objective content that is not shifted by the subjective likes and dislikes of individual commentators. Its positive value and negative value are verified in the course of history. It is in this process that a considerable part of modernist literature and art creation shows a huge recognition value and aesthetic value that can not be denied. In the end, Lukacs, a Marxist literary critic, gradually corrected his own prejudices in the face of the facts revealed by history. Although he can not see his macroscopic affirmation of the creation of modernist literature and art, Lechter to praise its greatness, especially his evaluation of Kafka, enough to show that he