目的:近红外光光谱技术监测颈部鳞状细胞癌肿的治疗作用.方法:应用I&Q(同步或正交相位)检测系统来跟踪监测颈部癌肿病人的血氧含量.结果:现今临床采用的放疗和化疗方法都能改变肿瘤组织内血和氧含量,结论:I&Q系统则可以定量地检测组织的生物特性的变化.“,”Objective:Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has been widely used in cancer imaging spectroscopy because cancer tissue has more blood volume and less oxygen than normal tissue. The neck squamous cell carcinoma is ideal for our study because its a surface mass can be easily felt through the skin. Methods: A simple homodyne phase modulation system, In-phase and Quadrature Phase (I&Q) Detection system has been used to study the curative effect of therapy in neck cancer patients. Result: Clinical treatment includes mainly chemical and radiation therapy, both of which alter the blood volume and the oxygenation saturation in cancer tissue. Conclusion: The I&Q detection system is capable of the quantification measurement of those biological changes.