
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changjian200910
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语文教学中的世界观、方法论教育,是按照语文课本的编排顺序进行的,不是按照辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的理论体系进行的.即是说,进行哪个观点的教育,是由教材的具体情况决定的.这样,便会出现这样的情况:几篇不同的课文都需要用同一个观点去分析研究.那么,同一观点在不同的教学时间先后多次出现,每次出现的区别在哪里呢?这就需要教者胸中有全局,安排好教学的层次.再者,不同的观点怎样安排教学的顺序,也有个层次问题,这是因为课文有难易之分,理论有深浅之别,观点的运用有繁简之异.由此可见,安排好语文教学中世界观、方法论教育的层次也是一个相当重要的问题.层次安排得当.则学生易于接受,教学效果较好。教学实践证明,下列几种教学层次是比较适宜的。 The worldview and methodological education in Chinese teaching is conducted in accordance with the arrangement order of Chinese textbooks. It is not based on the theoretical system of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. That is to say, the education of which viewpoint is carried out is determined by the teaching materials. It will be the case that several different texts need to be analyzed and researched with the same point of view. Then, the same point of view emerges several times in different teaching times. What is the difference between each occurrence? This requires the teacher to have an overall picture of the chest and to arrange the level of teaching. Furthermore, there are also a hierarchy of problems in how the different points of view are arranged in the teaching. This is because the text is easy to understand and the theory has a difference. There are differences between the use of simplicity. From this it can be seen that it is also a very important issue to arrange the level of world view and methodological education in Chinese language teaching. When the level is properly arranged, the students are easy to accept and the teaching effect is good. Teaching practice proves that the following teaching levels are more appropriate.
氨的催化氧化及其检验实验主要包括四个反应和与之相对应的四个主要现象。 (1)4NH_3+5O_2(?)4NO+6H_2O+热量(催化剂红热) (2)2NO+O_2=2NO_2(棕黄色气) (3)3NO_2+H_2O=2HNO_3
该文从200个微卫星标记中筛选出149个多态性标记,并对镜鲤(Cyprinus carpio)子代个体数最多的家系进行了肌间刺数量的相关性分析。结果表明有8个微卫星标记与肌间刺数量显著
对数函数y=log 。(a>0且a≠1),其定义域是 x∈(0,+∞),根据性质有如下命题成立: 1.a∈(0,1),且。∈(0,1),则log_ax>0; 2.a∈(0,1),且x∈(1,+∞),则 log_a0 and a≠1), whose
设α+β+γ=π,那么sinα+sinβ+sinγ≤((33~(1/2))/2),当且仅当α=β=γ时等号成立.这是一个众所周知的三角不等式.1964年,维西克(Vasic)对之作了推广: xsinα+ysinβ+zsi
空气阻力的详尽理沦涉及雷诺数(Reynold’s Numbers),远非中学物理所能细述的。但是,可在中学物理实验室做一简单的实验,使学生定量地了解落体所受空气阻力的效应。 实验所
在全国统编教材化学中,有这样一段叙述:“在单质分子中,同种原子形成共价键,两个原子吸引电子的能力相同,共用电子对不偏向任 In the textbook of textbooks on textbooks