1 林果合理密植,扩行缩株 苗早出圃、林早成材、果早丰产,这是种植者的渴求.怎样才能达到目的?关键是合理安排株、行距、增强通风透光条件,减少植株间争肥、水、光能等矛盾,创造适宜的单植株生长环境。同时利用其行距空间,合理套种一些茎杆低矮、生长期短、株形瘦小的中药材品种,还可防止杂草生长,保持水肥不流失,增加经济效益。如目前绿化工程所需的大量苗木,因生长速度慢,长成大规格标准需5年以上时间,大多数林农由于种种原因.往往达不到标准就急于出售,
1 The fruit is reasonably close-planting, expansion expansion Shouzhu early nursery, early harvest timber, fruit early fruit yield, which is the craving of growers. How can we achieve the goal? The key is to rational arrangements of strains, spacing, enhance ventilation and light conditions, reduce plant For fertilizer, water, light and other conflicts, and create a suitable single plant growth environment. At the same time, taking advantage of the spacing of its rows, it is reasonable to plant some varieties of Chinese medicinal herbs with low stalk length, short growth period and thin plant shape to prevent weeds from growing and to keep water and fertilizer from losing, thus increasing economic benefits. For example, at present, a large number of seedlings needed for afforestation projects are required to grow into large-scale standards for more than five years because of the slow growth rate. Most forest farmers often rush to sell because of various reasons,