把握机遇 迎接挑战

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阅读下列材料,选一个角度,自拟题目作文。把握是力量和信心的表现。你多一分努力,就会多一分成功的把握。把握又是一种积极的行动。你把握住今天,就会拥有灿烂的明天;你把握住自我,就会拥有美好的人生。人生时时处处需要把握。 Read the following materials, choose an angle, and compose the topic composition. Grasping is a manifestation of strength and confidence. If you work harder, you will have more success. Grasping is another positive action. When you take hold of today, you will have a splendid tomorrow. If you grasp yourself, you will have a beautiful life. Life always needs to be grasped.