【英国《每日电讯报》1994年12月9日报道】据印度原子能发展计划的前负责人透露,印度目前正在建造核潜艇,尽管曾声明仅将反应堆用于和平目的。 印度原子能委员会前主席M R Srini-vasan博士在1994年12月8日确认潜艇反应堆陆上试验设施已经建成。据Srinivasan在一篇报刊文章中说,核潜艇所需的铀目前正在生产中,印度开发潜艇反应堆的工作比
【By Telegraph Daily, December 9, 1994 According to the former head of India’s Atomic Energy Development Program, India is currently building a nuclear submarine, although it has stated that it will only use the reactor for peaceful purposes. On 8 December 1994, Dr. M R Srini-vasan, former chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission, confirmed that a submarine reactor onshore test facility has been completed. According to Srinivasan, in a newspaper article, the uranium needed for nuclear submarines is currently being produced and the Indian submarine reactors are working