
来源 :山西警官高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuexianglian
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行政第三人问题研究是行政法学界一个新的研究课题,而传统的双边行政法律关系主体只包括行政主体和行政相对人。由于其在国内研究时间不长,在实践中和立法中都存在很多瑕疵,这一特殊主体的权益保护不够完善,而这些都与现在的法治社会精神相违背,因此对行政第三人的权益保护问题进行探讨是必要的。 The study on the administrative third party problem is a new research subject in the administrative jurisprudence field, while the traditional subject of the bilateral administrative legal relationship only includes the administrative subject and the administrative counterpart. Due to its short time in domestic research, there are many flaws in practice and legislation. The protection of the rights and interests of this particular subject is not perfect, and these are contrary to the current spirit of the rule of law in society. Therefore, the rights and interests of the third party Protection issues are discussed.
【正】 魏源(一七九四——一八五七)原名远达,字默深,又字汉士,清乾隆五十九年,生于湖南邵阳之金潭。父邦鲁,历任江苏嘉定、吴江等地巡检、宝山水利主薄等职。有四子,魏源是