
来源 :航空维修与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtl666666
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7月17日,由中国特种飞行器研究所研制的“海鸥300”轻型水陆两栖飞机在湖北荆门漳河水上机场首飞成功。“海鸥300”可用于公务飞行、旅游娱乐、海岸巡逻、搜索与救护、环境监测、森林巡防等。该飞机自2010年11月10日在河北石家庄陆上试飞成功后,于2012年11月转场荆门进行水面试飞试验,完成了静态水密试验、不同重量不同重心的动态水密试验、静水等速、减速滑行、静水起飞、着水试验等32滑行架次的水上试飞试验验证。 On July 17, the “Seagull 300” light amphibious aircraft developed by the China Special Vehicle Research Institute made its first successful flight at Zhangjiang Water Airport in Jingmen, Hubei Province. “Seagull 300 ” can be used for business flights, tourism and entertainment, coastal patrol, search and rescue, environmental monitoring, forest patrol. After its successful flight test on the ground in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province on November 10, 2010, the aircraft was transferred to Jingmen for surface test flight in November 2012, completing the static watertight test, dynamic watertight test with different weights and different centers of gravity, Deceleration taxiing, hydrostatic takeoff, water test, etc. 32 taxiing times the water test flight test verification.
<正> 输卵管阻塞引起不孕是妇科常见疑难杂症。笔者根据中医理论结合多年临床实践,应用中药内服活血化瘀汤,外敷消癥散以及结合辨证调周施治等多种方法治疗本病,获得了较好疗