×先生,您好。 92年底,我从法国给先生寄了一本画集,并写了一短信,不久即收到先生的回信,提及对我信中的一些看法多有同感,甚幸。至今又是两年多了,两年多来除了忙于画画、展览、参观外,也忙于安排在国内找一个落脚地,今年初,方在成都找了一套画室,以后将逐步把主要时间移居国内,每年仍出来走走,增加一些新感受,参加一些必要的艺术活动。
Hello, sir. At the end of 1992, I sent an album from France to Mr. and wrote a short message. It was not long before I received a reply from my husband referring to some of the opinions in my letter. So far it is more than two years. In addition to being busy with painting, exhibitions and visits in more than two years, he is also busy arranging for a settlement in the country. Earlier this year, the party found a studio in Chengdu and later gradually introduced the main time Migration to China, each year still go out and walk, add some new feelings, to participate in some necessary arts activities.