Cholesterol granulation is a specific clinical disease, but a histological term used to describe the histological response to cholesterol crystallization. Ear granulomas of cholesterol were first described by Anassé in 1917, but such lesions were already mentioned in Politzer’s work as early as 1869. It was not noted by otolaryngologists until Ranger (1949) reported again. The disease is more naming and confusing and has been described by Shambaugh (1929), O’Donnell (1949), Birrell (1956) And “Sheehy (1956).” Review of these documents, the authors describe the histopathological changes described in the report, namely, cholesterol granuloma. Later, one after another reported in the chronic suppurative otitis media Inflammation, chronic exudative otitis media, and some post-operative cases of ear surgery, have seen cholesterol granulomatous lesions occurred Friedman (1956) reported in a variety of ear chronic