生姜品种较多,各地都有自己的良种可供选择。城市消费者喜食嫩姜,宜选用“自姜”、“红爪姜”、“成都生姜”。姜的叶片为狭长的广披针形,有平行脉,先端尖,排列成二行。地下茎(即姜)嫩的为白黄色,肉黄白色,肥厚整齐,尖端为红色,辣味淡;老熟后颜色加深为黄色,辣味较重。姜的栽培方式有窝子姜、平沟姜、埂子姜等种。也可采用塑料棚栽培满土姜芽的办法,以提早成熟,供应城市所需嫩姜。 (一)选地、整地:姜既怕干又怕淹,还怕烈日晒,加之须根不发达,因此对土、肥、水的
More varieties of ginger, all over have their own varieties to choose from. City consumers like to eat tender ginger, should use “from ginger”, “red claw ginger”, “Chengdu ginger.” Ginger leaves for the narrow, wide lanceolate, parallel veins, apex, arranged in two rows. Underground stems (ie, ginger) tender white, yellowish white, fat and tidy, the tip is red, spicy light; cooked darker yellow, spicy heavier. Ginger cultivation methods are fertile ginger, flat ditch ginger, razor clam ginger and other species. Plastic shed can also be used to cultivate soil ginger bud approach to early maturity, the supply of the city needs tender ginger. (A) the election, site preparation: ginger fear both fear of flooding, but also afraid of the sun, combined with fibrous roots undeveloped, so the soil, fertilizer, water