田忠利出生在新疆乌鲁木齐一个普通工人家庭。 初级中学毕业,他千里迢迢来到北京,考入中央美术学院附属美术专科学校。田忠利非常珍惜这个机会。他家境贫寒,但学习刻苦努力。1988年,他又考入美院中国画系,近十年的科班训练,使他打下了坚实的绘画基本功。 他毕业后即参加了三次重大的历史画创作活动。他创作的《路沉·天问》以戊戌维新运动失败为背景,表现了爱国志士无边的苦闷和不屈的抗争精神。 1995年他又历时一年,创作了巨幅历史画《中国民主革命的伟大落红无语枕石溪 120×120cm
Tian Zhongli was born in Urumqi, Xinjiang, an ordinary worker’s family. Junior high school, he traveled all the way to Beijing, admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts affiliated art college. Tian Zhongli very cherish this opportunity. His family is poor, but he studies hard. In 1988, he was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Department, nearly a decade of training in the corps, so that he laid a solid basic skills of painting. After graduation, he participated in three major historical painting creation activities. In the context of the failure of the Hundred Days Reform Movement, his “Road Shen Tianwen” was an expression of the patriotism and unyielding spirit of patriotism. In 1995, he lasted another year, creating a huge historical painting "The Great Red Revolution of China’s Democratic Revolution Silent Stone Shixi 120 × 120cm