在我市开办的心理咨询中,我曾接待过一位很儒雅很书生气的男青年,他不无尴尬和腼腆地向我陈述: “我是一名刚参加工作不久的青年,我的恋人是读大学时同窗校友,我俩在校时就偷偷相爱,私订终身。毕业后她分到另一所科研单位。每当我们幽会时,总萌发难以自制的性冲动,我好几次向她求欢,但她始终婉言拒绝,说除非结了婚才答应我的要求。就这样我一忍再忍,久而久之,我觉得小腹不时坠痛,触摸时好象有一硬块。我害
In the counseling run in our city, I have received a very refined and very angry young man, he embarrassed and complacent to me: "I was a young man just to participate in the work, my lover When I was a university student, I secretly fell in love with each other and stayed for a long time. After graduation, she was assigned to another scientific research institute. When we met, Huanhuan, but she always politely refused, saying that unless I got married, I promised my request. In this way, I will endure patiently. As time passes, I feel that the lower abdomen falls pain from time to time.