
来源 :分子植物育种 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccscbr66
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为确定以色列不同群体野生大麦的遗传差异,利用42对SSR引物对采自以色列不同地区的9个群体144份野生大麦遗传多样性进行了研究。结果表明,42个SSR标记共检测到189个等位变异,平均每个标记有4.5个,变幅为3~7个。标记多态性信息含量(PIC)平均值为0.696 8,变幅为0.529 9~0.823 3。聚类结果表明,144份材料间的遗传相似系数为0.550 3~0.936 5,平均值为0.701 5。遗传相似(GS)值为0.678 0水平分为5个群体,第Ⅰ类群共43份:包括Shilat地区17份、Modien地区13份和Mehola地区13份;第Ⅱ类群包括15份:包括Nahariya地区11份和Golan High地区4份;第Ⅲ类群共55份:包括Sede Boqer Cangyn地区15份、Sede Boqer Way地区18份和Sede Boqer Highway地区22份;第Ⅳ类群共30份:包括Hermon地区24份和Golan High地区6份;第Ⅴ类群只有Sha 23,分类界限不明显。且中部的群体与南、北部的群体出现了交叉分类;主坐标分析与聚类分析结果大体一致,交叉分类结果更直观。本研究有助于今后发掘优良基因和分子辅助筛选。 To determine the genetic diversity of wild barley from different groups in Israel, 42 pairs of SSR primers were used to study the genetic diversity of 144 wild barley collected from 9 populations in different regions of Israel. The results showed that a total of 189 alleles were detected in 42 SSR markers, with an average of 4.5 markers per marker and amplitude ranging from 3 to 7. The average value of the marker polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.696 8 and the amplitude was 0.529 9 ~ 0.823 3. The clustering results showed that the genetic similarity coefficients of 144 materials ranged from 0.550 3 to 0.936 5 with an average of 0.701 5. The genetic similarity (GS) value was 0.678 0 divided into 5 groups and the first group consisted of 43 plants: 17 in Shilat, 13 in Modien and 13 in Mehola; Group II in 15, including Nahariya 11 4 in the Golan High area and 55 in the group III including 15 in the Sede Boqer Cangyn area, 18 in the Sede Boqer Way area and 22 in the Sede Boqer Highway area; 30 in the IV group including 24 in the Hermon area and Golan High region 6; Class V only Sha 23, the classification boundaries are not obvious. Cross-classification was found between the central and southern populations and the northern populations. The results of principal-axis and cluster analyzes were generally consistent, and the cross-classification results were more intuitive. This study will help to discover excellent genes and molecular-assisted screening in the future.
母亲朱少卿,一辈子的小学教师。从青春年少到年近花甲,跨度很大。母亲和学生的情缘也与时俱增,这种自然情感,成全了母亲充实的教师生涯。  母亲班上的学生名字,我和哥姐都能倒背如流。学生的情况,我们熟识于心。比如有的孩子老写错别字,将星期天写成“星斯天”,将小弟写成“小第”,狐狸写成“孤狸”等。母亲经常在放学后将他们留下,教他们写对再走。母亲回家晚,我们就猜,一定跟“小第”和“孤狸”他们在一起。  母亲
一个足球迷绝不会放过任何一场视觉盛宴,而欧冠更是球迷不愿错过的比赛。  欧冠的阵仗可能没有世界杯那样大,但却汇聚了全球的顶尖球员,让球迷一饱眼福。  还记得第一次看球赛,年仅18岁的葡萄牙小伙克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多震撼了我的大脑,改变了我对足球的看法。他那灵动的脚,简直像一道在锋线上疾驶自如的闪电,任何人都无法干涉。对手推着足球艰难地到达中场,这道闪电首先来一发闪现,迅速出现在“小弟弟”眼前,大概