It is one of the important contents of health administration to regularly publish the information of medical service quality and medical expenses of various medical institutions to the public. Through regular publicity, it has played a positive role in promoting healthy competition among hospitals and in promoting the hospital’s deepening of internal reforms. However, due to the differences in the composition of diseases, the comparability of such information among hospitals is low, which may mislead the patients to choose to seek medical treatment. Cost-quality control and cost analysis of a single disease can comprehensively and directly reflect the investigation of the cost of disease and fee structure, treatment outcome, etc., is conducive to the rational development and utilization of existing medical resources, reduce medical costs, control the unreasonable increase in medical costs, the implementation of “Effective measures of total control, structural adjustment ” is also an important reference index for administrative departments and price management departments to adjust unreasonable charges, promote medical consumption tends to be scientific and reasonable, and reduce the waste of health resources.